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Sully Windmill, Sully

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Map ReferenceST16NE
Grid ReferenceST1565068670
Unitary (Local) AuthorityThe Vale of Glamorgan
Old CountyGlamorgan
PeriodPost Medieval
1. Situated in the garden of a modern house are the remains of the manorial windmill of Sully. Only the base survives, built of random limestone rubble with sandy mortar and standing to 2.1m high. The circular tower is 5.8m in external diameter with walls 1.3m thick, strongly battered on the outside. It is entered by opposing doorways, 1.1m wide on the outside, narrowing to 0.8m on the inside. A millstone now rests against its inside wall on the W side. It measures 1.07m in diameter and 0.18m thick.
D.K.Leighton, RCAHMW,19 August 1987.

2. A windmill is shown on an historic admiralty chart and so was presumably used for coastal pilotage.
Event and Historical Information:
This edition of the Admiralty chart was first published in May 1839 and continued in use until 1864 (with minor corrections in 1859). The survey used to compile the chart was undertaken by Lt H M Denham in 1832.
Sources include:
Historic Admiralty Chart 1182-A2, RCAHMW Digital Collections
Maritime Officer, RCAHMW, January 2010.