Pwll Fanog Slate Wreck

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6070620TitleADU1_03 - Archaeological Diving Unit ArchiveLevelBatchDescriptionFile of information concerning the Pwll Fanog designated shipwreck, produced and collected by the Archaeological Diving Unit during the course of site recording and survey work. Material includes licensee reports, correspondence, background articles and extracts, survey records and a copy of the statutory instrument of wreck designation.MediumText, Photo, Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6070650TitleADU2_05 - Archaeological Diving Unit ArchiveLevelBatchDescriptionEight colour slides of the area of the Pwll Fanog designated wreck, produced by the Archaeological Diving Unit and picturing a boat over the site and a fishing boat.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6436843TitleADU3_18 - Archaeological Diving Unit ArchiveLevelItemDescriptionLetter and report relating to 2000 field work on Pwll Fanog, produced by D.M. McElvogue and transferred to NMRW by Historic England.MediumText.ImagesnArchive Number6205065TitleAENT21_07 - Archaeological Reports/Evaluations (non Trust)LevelItemDescriptionPwll Fanog Wreck, Menai Strait, Anglesey designated site assessment archaeological report prepared by Wessex Archaeology, July 2007MediumPhoto, Text, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6349290TitleAENT28_10 - Archaeological Reports/Evaluations (non Trust)LevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an Archaeological Desk-based Assessment on 'The Maritime Archaeology of the Welsh Slate Trade': produced by Wessex Archaeology, for Cadw. Report ref: 53111.02s-4.Medium1 file. Photo, Graphic, Cartographic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6533669TitleAENT42_18 - Archaeological Reports/Evaluations (non Trust)LevelItemDescriptionReport of the dive on the Slate Wreck Pwll Fanogl site, Menai Strait, Anglesey undertaken by Gwynedd Sub Aqua Club 14th July 2019.Medium920MB. Text, Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6496912TitleDI2018_002_053 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of a coloured pen and ink diagram of Pwllfanog slate wreck loaned for publication by D C Jones.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6496913TitleDI2018_002_054 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy showing samples of slates transported by the Pwllfanog, original loaned for copying by D Cecil Jones.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6322172TitleDW2 - Designated Wrecks DocumentsLevelBatchDescriptionBatch of documentation relating to the designated Welsh wreck Pwll Fanog; administered by Cadw.MediumCartographic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6193150TitleEHW3 - English Heritage Welsh Designated Wrecks FilesLevelSub-groupDescriptionFile of information concerning the "Pwll Fanog Designated Wreck Site" designated wreck site, compiled by English Heritage. File includes designation documentation, licensee reports, copied press clippings and articles and survey reports.MediumText.Imagesn