The Perfume Shop, Hope Street, 58, Wrexham

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Map ReferenceSJ35SW
Grid ReferenceSJ3351050240
Unitary (Local) AuthorityWrexham
Old CountyDenbighshire
PeriodPost Medieval
On the north side of Hope Street, linking it with the Butchers' Market.

Shopping arcade, dated 1891, and built by A. C. Baugh, architect.
Brick with terracotta dressings, slate roof over frontage building, glazed roof to arcade. Frontage building is 3 storeyed with attics, 3 window range with central entrance to arcade flanked on each side by shops. Original shop fronts survive with outer pilasters carrying brackets of continuous fascia. The shop windows, with slender iron glazing bars, survive in right hand unit. Upper storeys divided by full-height pilasters carrying cornice over upper storey. Outer canted oriel windows above, and central paired sashes, with pediment carried on brackets and enriched with terracotta relief. Windows are all 2-pane sashes.
Pedimented attic windows each side of central pediment, which has name (Wrexham Arcade) and date in relief. Dutch gables to either side.

Narrow shops to side of the arcade itself are faced in white brick. Shop fronts renewed in original openings, the beaded fascias surviving. Tripartite windows to upper rooms also largely original, and are separated by pilasters with heavy reeded console brackets. Iron trusses to glazed clerestory roof.

A good example of late C19 arcade development which has retained many elements of the original design.

Reference: Edward Hubbard, "Clwyd", Buildings of Wales series, 1986, p.307.

Source:- Cadw listed buildings NJR 12/06/2007