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Rhosydd Slate Quarry, Level 9 Barracks

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Archive6429443Title960272 - Investigators' PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionNo9 barracks, N elevation, 9/7 surface incline in right background, Rhosydd Slate Quarries complex.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6429421Title960272 - Investigators' PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionNo9 barracks, view along street, looking E, Rhosydd Slate Quarries complex.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6429389Title960276 - Investigators' PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionNo9 barracks, looking E, No9 adit sheave showing in foreground, N and S barracks, Rhosydd Slate Quarries complex.MediumPhoto.Imagesn