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New Factory, Woollen Factory, Union Street, Penygloddfa, Newtown

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Map ReferenceSO19SW
Grid ReferenceSO1068691976
Unitary (Local) AuthorityPowys
Old CountyMontgomeryshire
CommunityNewtown and Llanllwchaiarn
PeriodPost Medieval
New Factory (built 1830-33) was a four storey woollen mill, adjoining a row of four storey weavers' houses, nos.6-9 (nprn 21493), with working areas on the upper two floors, on the south side of Union Street in Newtown's woollen district, Penygloddfa (nprn 400005). The mill had a truck shop on the corner with Crescent Street. All were demolished in 1984 and the area is currently a public open space named Mathew's Court.
See: Newtown The Second Selection (Archive Photographs Series), Newtown Local History Group, Chalford, 1998; p.13.
B.A.Malaws, RCAHMW, 27 April 2010.