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Severnside Woollen Factory

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Map ReferenceSO19SW
Grid ReferenceSO1080091900
Unitary (Local) AuthorityPowys
Old CountyMontgomeryshire
CommunityNewtown and Llanllwchaiarn
PeriodPost Medieval
This site has not been located; the name and grid reference suggest a location in Frankwell Street, Penygloddfa, Newtown, but the only recorded woollen factory in Frankwell Street is the Barracks (nprns 85363, 85364, 85365), towards the north-eastern end of the street. Before the Barracks acquired its name in 1837, it is possible that it may have been known as 'Severnside Factory' as it is across the street from what were the grounds of the house Severnside.
(Information from David Pugh, Newtown)
B.A.Malaws, RCAHMW, 22 June 2010.