Beacons Down Round Barrows

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6521938TitleAP2019_298 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelBatchDescriptionRoyal Commission aerial photography of Beacons Down round barrows recorded during drought conditions on 22nd July 2013.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6521939TitleAP2019_298_001 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRoyal Commission aerial photography of Beacons Down round barrows recorded during drought conditions on 22nd July 2013.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6534301TitleAP2019_879 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelBatchDescriptionBeacons Down round barrows, St. Brides Major, south of Bridgend. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission?s programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 24th January 2013.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6534302TitleAP2019_879_001 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionBeacons Down round barrows, St. Brides Major, south of Bridgend. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission?s programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 24th January 2013.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6534303TitleAP2019_879_002 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionBeacons Down round barrows, St. Brides Major, south of Bridgend. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission?s programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 24th January 2013.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6534304TitleAP2019_879_003 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionBeacons Down round barrows, St. Brides Major, south of Bridgend. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission?s programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 24th January 2013.MediumPhoto.Imagesy