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Little Mill Brickworks

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Archive6437267TitleVDE_04_06_015 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437253TitleVDE_04_06_008 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437257TitleVDE_04_06_009 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437264TitleVDE_04_06_012 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437265TitleVDE_04_06_013 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437252TitleVDE_04_06_007 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437266TitleVDE_04_06_014 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437262TitleVDE_04_06_010 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437263TitleVDE_04_06_011 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6437268TitleVDE_04_06_016 - Vernon D. Emmanuel CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital photograph showing Little Mill brickworks, taken during the 'Oxford House walkabout' in 1983MediumPhoto.Imagesy