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Sheepfold or Building South East of Llyn Caerwych, Talsarnau

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Map ReferenceSH63SW
Grid ReferenceSH6427134993
Unitary (Local) AuthorityGwynedd
Old CountyMerioneth
PeriodPost Medieval
Paul Davis describes the site as 'located in a sheltered hollow, a ruined sheepfold comprising two sub-rectangular pens and guide walls, resembling a pair of spectacles in plan.'
Gwynedd Archaeological Trust provide more detail: 'A ruined building, reused and extended to form a sheepfold, situated in a dry valley between two knolls to the south east of Llyn Caerwych, on a gentle south-facing slope leading down to marshy ground. The building measures 11m north-south x 5m within walls 0.75m thick and 1.5m high. A partition wall 1m thick, leaves a gap before the west wall to link the 2 chambers, the north measuring 3m square, the south 5.5m x 3.2m. An entrance through the west wall leads into the south chamber, and the north chamber has a blocked creep. Butted on to the corners of the building are two walls 1.4m high running west north-west and west south-west for 7m each. These walls are intact with the edge-set capping stones in place.'
Sources: field notes written by Paul Davis relating to site visit conducted on 15th February 2019; Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, reference number: GAT10124
RCAHMW, 14th May 2019
application/pdfPRD - Paul R. Davis CollectionOrdnance survey map annotated by Paul Davis indicating sites of interest at Moel y Geifr, Talsarnau. 1 = NPRN 424315; 2 = 424316; 3 = 424317; 4 = 424318; 5 = 300274; 6 = 424319; 7 = 302867; 8 = 302876; 9 = 302868; 10 = 424320; 11 = 424321; 12 = 424322.