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Garth Hall Stables and Kennels

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Archive6201622Title871124_26 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionGarth, Welshpool; black and white photograph copied from an album loaned for copying by Mrs Gamble.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6201629TitleNMR Site FilesLevelBatchDescriptionStables and kennels at Garth Hall, Guilsfield; photo survey comprising eighteen black and white photographs taken by G.B. Mason, 1947.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6269235TitleAA47_4567 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the carriage entranceMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269233TitleAA47_4565 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the hall from the stablesMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6268914TitleAA47_4561 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the stables from the south-eastMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6285037Title871095 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionCopy of c.1947 photoMediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6295950TitleAA47_4569 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionInterior view of the upper floor granaryMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6299533TitleAA47_4560 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the stables from the south-westMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6201635TitleNMR Site FilesLevelBatchDescriptionStables and kennels at Garth Hall, Guilsfield; two black and white photograph copied from photographs in the possession of CPRWMediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6295949TitleAA47_4564 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the partly demolished stables from the south-eastMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6295951TitleAA47_4573 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionInterior view showing detail of oak fittings in the best stableMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6304789TitleAA47_4572 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionInterior view showing the best stableMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6304641TitleAA47_4559 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the stables from the northMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6201636TitleCC46_898 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionGarth Hall, Guilsfield; one black and white photograph taken by Miss McNair, c.1946MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6201626Title861042 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionStables at Garth, Welshpool; copy of a photograph loaned for copying by Thomas Lloyd, the copyright is retained by Powysland Museum.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6243646Title871103 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionCopy of c.1947 photoMediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6269240TitleAA47_4575 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the kennels from the southMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269234TitleAA47_4566 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the exercising trackMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269236TitleAA47_4568 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the interior of the carriage yardMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269238TitleAA47_4571 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionInterior view showing a single stall in the stablesMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269241TitleAA47_4576 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the kennels showing the towerMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269237TitleAA47_4570 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionInterior view of the stablesMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269239TitleAA47_4574 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the kennels from the south-eastMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269232TitleAA47_4563 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionView of the stables from the south-eastMediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6269231TitleAA47_4562 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionDetail vew of cast-iron finials from the stablesMediumPhoto.Imagesy