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Lower Landshipping Quay

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Map ReferenceSN01SW
Grid ReferenceSN0074510834
Unitary (Local) AuthorityPembrokeshire
Old CountyPembrokeshire
PeriodPost Medieval
The quay was constructed around 1800, probably at the same time Landshipping Bridge. In 1810, a tramroad was contructed linking the 3 pits (NPRNs 518773-5 and 518776) and an engine house and smithy at the centre of the network (NPRN 518777). On OS 1st edition 25in mapping, the tramroad laid ontp of the quay is shown with two short doublings of track (one corresponding with weighbridge at SN00711079) and branching into three at the far western end. Much of the quay facing stonework has collapsed and the foundations of the weighbridge are being undercut. Modern aerial photography shows the quay under tree cover.

Sources inlude:
Dyfed Archaeological Trust HER Refs: 20994 and 38791
NAW Aerial Photography 2006-9
OS 1st edition 25in mapping 1868

Maritime Officer, RCAHMW, July 2012.