Taff Colliery;Nixon's Merthyr Vale Colliery;Merthyr Vale Colliery, Aberfan

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6026995TitleAdditional InformationLevelItemDescriptionB&W photograph showing general view of the engine house at Merthyr Vale Colliery, taken by Douglas Hague, undated.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6026994TitleCAT1_04 - Cotswold Archaeological Trust ReportsLevelItemDescriptionReport on an archaeological assessment of Merthyr Vale Colliery, Aberfan, carried out by the Cotswold Archaeological Trust for Richards Moorhead and Laing, British Coal and the Welsh Development Agency.MediumCartographic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6500261TitleDI2018_008_056 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an acetate negative showing "square work in heading leading to above coal face" at Taff Colliery from the John Cornwell Collection.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6500298TitleDI2018_008_093 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an acetate negative showing chocksman on coal face T Taff Colliery, from the John Cornwell Collection.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6500304TitleDI2018_008_099 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an acetate negative showing electric winder built on base of steam winder at Taff Colliery from the John Cornwell Collection.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6500305TitleDI2018_008_100 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an acetate negative showing downcast shaft at Taff Colliery, from the John Cornwell Collection.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6500310TitleDI2018_008_105 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an acetate negative showing lump breaker on conveyor at Taff Colliery, from the John Cornwell Collection.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6500311TitleDI2018_008_106 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an acetate negative showing face of a new heading at Taff Colliery, from the John Cornwell Collection.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6500313TitleDI2018_008_108 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an acetate negative showing timbering on a fault in a main trunk road with conveyor at Taff Colliery, from the John Cornwell Collection.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6500316TitleDI2018_008_111 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of an acetate negative showing pump house near pit bottom at Taff Colliery, from the John Cornwell Collection.MediumPhoto.Imagesy