Fan Foel Round Barrow

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Map ReferenceSN82SW
Grid ReferenceSN8214522341
Unitary (Local) AuthorityCarmarthenshire
Old CountyCarmarthenshire
PeriodBronze Age
A burial barrow is set on the summit of Fan Foel, a dramatic spur on the northern escarpment of Mynydd Du. Prior to excavation and consolidation in 2004, this monument was a roughly circular turf covered mound, 16.2m in diameter and up to 1.2m high on the east, with a rough modern cairn or shelter on the north-east side. Excavation demonstrated that this was an earthen mound up to 0.3m high ringed by an oval kerb of possibly laid stones, measuring 13m north-west to south-east by 11m. A cist or stone slab chest was found beneath the modern cairn; it measured 2.0m by 1.1m and was 0.65m deep. It contained a cremation deposit accompanied by a flint knife and a pottery vessel of the 'Food Vessel' type. A secondary cremation deposit with a Collared Urn pottery vessel was found on the north-west side of the mound. Finds of flint flakes and a string of clay beads may relate to this site.
RCAHMW, 20 February 2009.