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Plas Taliaris Garden, Salem

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Archive6073662TitlePGW(Dy)13(CAM) - Cadw Parks and Gardens Register PhotographsLevelBatchDescriptionSet of colour photographs of features of the garden known as Taliaris, Reference Number PGW(Dy)13(CAM) produced by Cadw in the course of compiling the Parks and Gardens Register. These photos are kept in order of their Parks and Gardens Reference Numbers.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6226132TitleCadw Parks and Gardens Register FilesLevelBatchDescriptionCollection of material relating to the gardens at Taliaris, Carmarthenshire, collated by Cadw in the course of the production of the Parks and Gardens Register, filed in PGW ref no order PGW(Dy)13(CAM).MediumText, Cartographic.Imagesn
Archive6173953TitleCPG132 - Cadw Parks and Gardens Register DescriptionsLevelItemDescriptionCadw Parks and Gardens Register text description of Taliaris Garden, Manordeilo and Salem. Parks and Gardens Register Number PGW(Dy)13(CAM).MediumText.Imagesn