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Soughton Hall Garden, Soughton

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Archive6515474TitleAP2018_682_005 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionSoughton Hall, Garden, Coach House and Stable Block, Soughton, near Mold. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11th September 2015.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6515471TitleAP2018_682_002 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionSoughton Hall, Garden and Lodge, Soughton, near Mold. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11th September 2015.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6330678TitleAP_2006_2712 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Soughton Hall Garden, Soughton. Taken on 17 July 2006 by Toby Driver.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6515472TitleAP2018_682_003 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionSoughton Hall and Garden, Soughton, near Mold. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11th September 2015.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6457243TitleAP_2007_4666 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique photograph of Soughton Hall, Garden, Soughton. Taken by Toby Driver on 11/12/2007.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6515469TitleAP2018_682 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelBatchDescriptionSoughton Hall and Garden, Soughton, near Mold. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11th September 2015.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6330681TitleAP_2006_2709 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Soughton Hall Garden, Soughton. Taken on 17 July 2006 by Toby Driver.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6330680TitleAP_2006_2708 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Soughton Hall Garden, Soughton. Taken on 17 July 2006 by Toby Driver.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6028214TitleCadw Parks and Gardens Register FilesLevelSub-groupDescriptionCollection of material relating to the gardens at Soughton Hall, Northop, collated by Cadw in the course of the production of the Parks and Gardens Register, filed in PGW ref no order (PGW C25).MediumCartographic, Text, Photo.Imagesn
Archive6072586TitlePGW(C)25 - Cadw Parks and Gardens Register PhotographsLevelBatchDescriptionSet of colour photographs of features of the garden known as Soughton Hall Garden, Reference Number PGW (C)25 produced by Cadw in the course of compiling the Parks and Gardens Register. These photos are kept in order of their Parks and Gardens Reference Numbers.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6330679TitleAP_2006_2711 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Soughton Hall Garden, Soughton. Taken on 17 July 2006 by Toby Driver.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6515470TitleAP2018_682_001 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionSoughton Hall and Garden, Soughton, near Mold. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11th September 2015.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6330677TitleAP_2006_2710 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Soughton Hall Garden, Soughton. Taken on 17 July 2006 by Toby Driver.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6515473TitleAP2018_682_004 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionSoughton Hall, Garden, Coach House and Stable Block, Soughton, near Mold. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11th September 2015.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6173986TitleCPG112 - Cadw Parks and Gardens Register DescriptionsLevelItemDescriptionCadw Parks and Gardens Register text description of Soughton Hall Garden Garden, Northop. Parks and Gardens Register Number PGW(C)025.MediumText.Imagesn