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Twyn Tyle Cultivation Ridges

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Map ReferenceSN60NW
Grid ReferenceSN6250005250
Unitary (Local) AuthoritySwansea
Old CountyGlamorgan
PeriodPost Medieval
The given NGR is roughly central to an extensive area of former agricultural activity, as represented by faint cultivation ridges, covering much of the summit of Twyn Tyle. A number of Bronze Age cairns lie along the summit, and just below the crest of the ridge on the west are several house platforms of likely medieval date. The ridge and furrow probably post dates both of the land-use episodes represented by these features.

visited DKL Jan/Feb 1992

The ridge and furrow is visible on aerial photographs (1). Although faint, the ridges are visible under low light in late winter when the dense bracken growth is least pervasive. Where visible they are between 1.5m and 3m wide and little more than 0.1m high. The AP evidence is clear that the ridges are arranged in groups or plots separated by low baulks and lynchets, though in some cases the ground evidence suggests a shallow ditch, even a 'sheep trail', as the separating feature. The linearity of ridges in adjacent groups is frequently at right angles where the best use is made of changes in slope on the undulating surface of the ridge top.

The plots and their ridges have been sketched from the AP and shown in relation to both mapping detail and other archaeological features on the ridge. The extent of cultivation is almost certainly greater than shown. The proximity and close spatial relationship of house platforms raises the possibility that some at least are contemporary with the ridge and furrow. In one notable case, however, ploughing has extended onto the platform terrace. In other cases, ploughing stops just short of the platforms. While contemporaneity is here possible, the obstruction afforded by such platform features may exlain the local limits of ploughing.

(1) OS AP 88/025/163