Description1. Allt-yr-Esgair is an earthwork enclosure complex defined by scarps, banks and ditches, extending about 720m from north north-west to south south-east along the summit of a prominent isolated ridge. The complex includes a main enclosure, about 568m NNW-SSE by 100m, with entrances facing along the ridge to the north and south. There is also an irregular inner work set against the south-western and southern part of the main circuit, approximately 165m from north north-west to south south-east by 70m, that encircles the highest point of the ridge. The top of the ridge is capped by a cairn of unknown date and purpose (NPRN 306014). To the south is an annex extending about 138m to the south south-east, and up to 47m across, that tapers to a blunt point towards the south.
The earthworks of the complex are disturbed and to a certain extent confused by subsequent quarry workings.
(Source OS 495 card; SO12SW12)
J.Wiles, RCAHMW, 16 August 2002.
2. See also: RCAHMW., 1986. An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Brecknock (Brycheiniog), The Prehistoric and Roman Monuments, Part ii: Hill-forts and Roman Remains. HMSO.
T. Driver, RCAHMW, 2015