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Penrhos Camp Civil War Earthworks

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Map ReferenceST39SW
Grid ReferenceST3421091750
Unitary (Local) AuthorityNewport
Old CountyMonmouthshire
Type Of SiteFORT
PeriodPost Medieval
A sub-rectangular enclosure, about 153m from north-west to south-east by 145-154m, defined by a ploughed-down bank and traces of a ditch. There are earthen 'bastions' at the angles as well as midway on the north-west and south-eastern faces. It is thought to be a seventeenth century fort, but an assemblage of Roman material has also been reported from the site.

The earthworks of the fort can be seen to cut across what appears to be a ditched rectangular enclosure on the south-east (NPRN 402396).

Source: RCAHMW AP94-CS 1266-7
RCAHMW AP945058/70; 945077/65; 945148/55; 945149/56-7; 965075/64

J.Wiles, RCAHMW, 20 February 2003.