Castell Crwn or Castell Rhonyn

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6055869Title8M_0536_1 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. 8M/0536/1, transferred from Cadw, concerning Castell Crwn, Llanrhwydrys, Anglesey, scheduling.MediumText.ImagesnArchive Number6153448Title993502_13 - RCAHMW Black and White Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW Black and white oblique aerial photograph of Castell Crwn, Cylch-y-garn, taken on 10/01/1999 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6153449Title993502_16 - RCAHMW Black and White Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW Black and white oblique aerial photograph of Castell Crwn, Cylch-y-garn, taken on 10/01/1999 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6059723TitleAN029 - Cadw Scheduling RecordsLevelSub-groupDescriptionFile of Cadw scheduled monument records for Castell Crwn;castell Rhonyn (AN029) , consisting of scheduling notices, accompanied by Field Monument Warden reports. Files stored in scheduled monument number order.MediumText, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6273409TitleAN0883 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionGeneral viewMediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6273410TitleAN0884 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionGeneral viewMediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6053246TitleANC_0536_1 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. ANC/0536/1, transferred from Cadw, concerning Castell Crwn, Llanrhwydrys, Anglesey, scheduling.MediumText.ImagesnArchive Number6519145TitleCAM001-01-0536-01 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. CAM001-01-0536-01 transferred from Cadw, concerning Castell Crwn. Scheduling.MediumText, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6513628TitleCSAM_MM_97_04 - Cadw Scheduled Ancient Monument 35mm NegativesLevelSub-groupDescriptionColour photo surveys of scheduled ancient monuments in Anglesey carried out by M.A. Mason, 1996-1997MediumTwo sheets. Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6032591TitleDrawings CollectionLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW drawing (ink on paper) showing plan & section of Castell Crwn, Anglesey.MediumGraphic.Imagesn