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Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (Sunday School), Greenfield and Market Street, Llangollen

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Archive6309418TitleDS2005_153_004 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionNoticeboard on main south-west fa?ade.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6309416TitleDS2005_153_002 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionDate plaques of 1863 chapel & 1904 hall conversion on SW.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6169935TitleDS2005_153 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelBatchDescriptionColour digital photographic survey of Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (later Sunday School), Market Street, Llangollen, consisting of four images, by Stephen Hughes, 12/09/2005.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6309415TitleDS2005_153_001 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionMain south-west Market Street entrance fa?ade from SW.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6309417TitleDS2005_153_003 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionDetail of stained-glass in one of lancets on (right) SW front.MediumPhoto.Imagesy