St. Stephen's church, Roman Amphitheatre, Roman Temple and Venta Silurum (Caerwent Roman City), Caerwent, near Chepstow. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the RCAHMW?s programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver, 1st August 2013.Download and purchase options
NPRNTitleType Of SiteArchivesImagesNPRN401216TitleRoman Amphitheatre, CaerwentType Of SiteAMPHITHEATREArchives26Images11NPRN33166TitleCaerwentType Of SiteVILLAGEArchives56Images30NPRN221367TitleSt Stephen's Church, CaerwentType Of SiteCHURCHArchives47Images18NPRN403916TitleRoman Temple at Caerwent Roman CityType Of SiteTEMPLEArchives19Images5