A sub-oval enclosure, c.28m N-S by 21m, having three possible oval structures within and additional, detached features on the S, all defined by rubble walling and adapted for, and obscurred by recent folds.
(source Os495card; SH34NE2)
J.Wiles 13.03.03
application/pdfGAT - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust ReportsGwynedd Archaeological Trust Report relating to Archaeological Assessment at Llithfaen 11 Kv Network Alterations, Llithfaen. Project No: G2129. Report No: 863.
application/pdfGAT - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust ReportsGwynedd Archaeological Trust Report relating to Archaeological Watching Brief at Llithfaen 11 Kv Network Alterations, Llithfaen. Project No: G2129. Report No: 1004.