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Cwm Mawr South, Quarry II

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Archive6218359TitleBMCS2007774 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Black Mountains Central (South) SurveyLevelItemDescriptionDigital colour photograph of Cwm Mawr south quarry II taken on 20/04/2007 by N.A.R. Vaughan during the Black Mountain Central South Upland Survey undertaken by Archaeophysica.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6218360TitleBMCS2007775 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Black Mountains Central (South) SurveyLevelItemDescriptionDigital colour photograph of Cwm Mawr south quarry II taken on 20/04/2007 by N.A.R. Vaughan during the Black Mountain Central South Upland Survey undertaken by Archaeophysica.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6221633TitleBMCS2007 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Black Mountains Central (South) SurveyLevelCollectionDescriptionSurvey archive from the Black Mountains Central (South) Archaeological Survey, consisting of project report and digital photographs.Medium766 items. Photo, Text, Cartographic.Imagesn
Archive6493306TitleBMCS2007_777 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Black Mountains Central (South) SurveyLevelItemDescriptionBlack Mountains Central (South) Archaeological Survey Report produced for RCAHMW by ArchaeoPhysica Ltd, 23/11/2007.MediumText, Cartographic, Photo.Imagesn
Archive6493307TitleBMCS2007_778 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Black Mountains Central (South) SurveyLevelSub-groupDescriptionDigital data comprising draft reports and MS Access tables associated with Black Mountains Central (South) Archaeological Survey carried out by ArchaeoPhysica Ltd, 2007.MediumCartographic, Photo, Text.Imagesn
Archive6372989TitleBMCS2007_776 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Black Mountains Central (South) SurveyLevelItemDescriptionBlack Mountains Central (South) Archaeological Survey Report.MediumText, Photo, Cartographic.Imagesn