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LefelDisgrifiadArchifDyddiadRhif Archif
LefelBatchDisgrifiadField drawings produced by harry BrooksbyArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6444395
LefelBatchDisgrifiadField notes/drawings relating to New Dock Independent Chapel, produced by Geoff Ward, 2001.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6450380
LefelBatchDisgrifiadDepot House, Navigation Yard, Glamorganshire, Abercynon: 8 sheets - Plottings, plans and elevations of Depot House, by B.A.Malaws D.K.Leighton, April 1980. Marked Site 47.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6495036
LefelBatchDisgrifiadJunction Lock, No.16/17, Glamorganshire canal, Abercynon: 4 sheets - Plottings, plan and elevation of lock, by B. A. Malaws and D.K. Leighton, May 1978. Marked Site 57.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6494931
LefelBatchDisgrifiadReport on the structural and sanitary condition of 20 Ship Street, Brecon.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6205104
LefelBatchDisgrifiadHafodygarreg, Erwood; copies of two colour transparencies produced by Iain Wright, July 2004, as published in RCAHMW Annual Report 2003-2004.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6170731
LefelBatchDisgrifiadColour photographic survey with key plan of Cae Glas Farm outbuildings, Waunfawr, Gwynedd.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6014416
LefelBatchDisgrifiadCopies of eight architectural survey drawings of The Palladium Theatre, Glodaeth St., Llandudno, nos. E01-E08. Produced by Tuffin, Ferraby and Taylor, Chartered Building Surveyors, for J.D. Wetherspoon PLC.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6008763
LefelBatchDisgrifiadVulcan House and Foundry, Merthyr Tydfil; Colour laser copies of two colour photographs showing exterior views of House and Foundry buildings, date and provenance unknown.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6006399
LefelBatchDisgrifiadPhotographic survey of Cold Knap Lido, Barry, consisting of 24 black and white prints.ArchifAdditional InformationDyddiadRhif Archif6015482