Maen Serth Esgair Dderw, Stone;Carreg Bica

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Cyfeirnod MapSN96NW
Cyfeirnod GridSN9430069880
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Powys
Hen SirRadnorshire
Math O SafleMAEN HIR
CyfnodYr Oes Efydd
1. An upright monolith, 2.06m high by 0.53m by 0.18m, having a cross deeply incised in its SE side, traditionally commemorates the murder of Einion Clud in 1177. The stone has been reset in concrete.
(source Os495card; SN96NW1)

J.Wiles 22.04.02

2. Description of site by CPAT in 2000 is sufficient, as follows: Large standing stone now re-erected in concrete base. Presently 2.1m high x 0.53m wide x 0.23m thick. Aligned N-S with incised cross on E face, centre of which is 1.54m above base. Upper and right part of cross missing, lower and left 12 and 15cm long respectively. Stone slightly leaning to W. Slight sheep scour on W and N. Alongside public footpath. (CPAT 2000)

Local paths converge on the site.

RJ Silvester, CPAT, 17/10/2002