Trellech Motte

Cyfeirnod MapSO40NE
Cyfeirnod GridSO4998005350
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
Hen SirSir Fynwy
CymunedTrellech United
Math O SafleTOMEN
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, Canoloesol
Tump Terret is a ditched mound, c.36m in diameter and 5.5m high, with the remains of counterscarp to the south. The Castle is mentioned in 1231, and referred to as 'site of' in 1306.
A geophysical survey in the area of the motte indicated the presence of structural remains in the area of the bailey enclosure to the north and north-east. Structural features on the motte-top are thought to relate to a nineteenth-centuryth century summer house (Soulsby 1982 (Monmouth Antiquary 4.3-4), 41).
The presence of Court Farm to the south (Nprn43389), may indicate a further enclosure in this area.
Associated with:
Trelleck medieval and later borough (Nprn33177).

Os495card; SO40NE8).
Hamilton (2002), Archaeology in Wales vol.42, p.143-5.
Soulsby (1982), Monmouth Antiquary 4.3-4, p.41

J.Wiles 18.09.02