1.A cairn of an uncertain date with a diameter of approximately 2.6m on the summit of Carnysgybor. The remains consist of short upstanding dry stone walls which form a small ring-shaped structure.
(source Os495card; SM62SE1)
Possibly associated with:
Relict fieldwalls (NPRN: 400086).
J.Wiles 15.09.04
2.The remains of a stone cairn of unknown date are situated at the peak of Carn Ysgubor approximately 35m to the west of cairn NPRN: 400086. The feature measures approximately 3m in diameter and around 1.5m in height.
A field visit was undertaken by L. Barker, T. Driver and D. Hunt on 10/10/17 as part of the CHERISH Project.
The feature has been digitally mapped and updated from 0.25m Lidar as part of the CHERISH Project.
Crown: CHERISH PROJECT 2017. Produced with EU funds through the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme 2014-2020.