Disgrifiad1. A sub-oval hilltop enclosure, about 190m north-south by 130-170m, generally defined by a bank, ditch and counterscarp, but with some variation, notably about the east-facing entrance: excavation, 1972-3 in advance of reservoir construction, revealed a complex early Iron Age sequence of construction and occupation (Guilbert 1975a & b; 1976).
The site enfolds a tumulus on the summit of the hilltop (Nprn307100).
Sources: Guilbert 1975 (Antiquity 49), 109-17;
1975 (PPS 41), 203-21;
1976 (in Harding (ed.) 'Hillforts: later Prehistoric Earthworks'), 303-17.
J.Wiles 19.11.02