Side scan sonar image of the FAITH gathered by Wessex Archaeology  and published in Wrecks off the Coast of Wales, November 2010, Report Ref No : 53111.02,  fig.4, showing the rocky outcropping to the south.Opsiynau lawrlwytho a prynu
  • 6349305WACS - Wessex Archaeology Coal and Slate Wrecks Maritime Survey Archive - Collection
  • 6379580WACS04 - Wessex Archaeology Coal and Slate Wrecks South Wales Group - Group
  • 6379581WACS04_01 - Wessex Archaeology Coal and Slate Wrecks South Wales Group - Batch
  • 6378935WACS04_01_003 - Wessex Archaeology Coal and Slate Wrecks Maritime Survey Archive - Item