Nid oes gennych resi chwilio datblygedig. Ychwanegwch un trwy glicio ar y botwm '+ Ychwanegu Rhes'

Penllyn Castle

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Cyfeirnod MapSS97NE
Cyfeirnod GridSS9789076070
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Bro Morgannwg
Hen SirGlamorgan

1. Late 18th century, perhaps. Wing remains medieval castle. 2 storey. Embattled parapet. Central square tower. Flat roofed stone porch. Interior?
The only part of the castle to survive consists of the N. and E. walls of the Norman keep, incorporated in a disused stable on the N. side of the mid 19th-century house.

2. Earliest structure is a possibly 12th C. castle tower, 12.5m NE-SW by 8.5m, resting on cliffs on the E & NE; 16th C. house, described seperately from castle (1652), derelict by 1786; 'elegant modern mansion' of 1833 & current gothic pile, 1846.

Sources: RCAHMW 1981 Glamorgan IV.1 'the Greater Houses', 350-1 [103];
1991, Glamorgan III.1a 'the Earlier Castles', 336-40 [EM4].

Associated with:
Outbuildings (Nprn37639)
Park/gardens (Nprn265776).

RCAHMW AP955148/66-7

J.Wiles 17.02.03