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Cyfeirnod MapSO30NW
Cyfeirnod GridSO3476008560
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
Hen SirSir Fynwy
Math O Safle
Pant-y-Goitre, Llanover, is a 3-storied neoclassical mansion originally built in 1776. The house underwent a major re-modelling at some time after 1776 and before 1832, when the original house was possibly heightened to three storeys, with the entrance moved from the north to the east fronts, while colonnades and other stone decorations were added and the brickwork stuccoed. In the later 20th century the house was divided into three dwellings as it now remains, but the exterior has been only changed in small details such as the upper floor windows.

Source: Cadw listed buildings database; black and white photograph, dated 1985.

RCAHMW, 21st January 2008.