Market Street, 17, Haverfordwest

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Cyfeirnod MapSM91NE
Cyfeirnod GridSM9524615466
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
Math O SafleTŶ TERAS
Early 19th century, 3 storeys high, 2 bay front with a slate gabled roof and end stacks. Windows are 3 panes wide sashes. A 3-light sash window with glazing bars to the left hand side on the ground floor. Above this on first floor is a 3-light canted oriel bay window with glazing bars; pilasters flank each light. Off centre entrance, 8 fielded panelled door; doorcase with architrave frame, pilasters, frieze and moulded cornice.

PE/Domestic/SM91NE from Cadw
CHN 07/10/2004