Tredegar House: Stables, Newport

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Cyfeirnod MapST28NE
Cyfeirnod GridST2873085280
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Casnewydd
Hen SirSir Fynwy
Math O SafleSTABL
The stable block is a long low free-standing range lying to the north-west of the house, at right-angles to the main entrance. It is a fine building, constructed of brick, with a monumental central archway over which is a large pediment with a clock (l766). There are Ionic brick pilasters reaching half way up the wall, between the lower mullioned windows, above which are small oval windows. Inside, to the south of the archway are the hunting stables, and to the north is the riding school. Attached to the rear is an orangery (see Garden section). The stables probably date, on architectural grounds, to some time between c. l690 and c. l725, and were probably built by John Morgan (d. l7l9).