Bodlondeb, Mansion and Grounds

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Cyfeirnod MapSH77NE
Cyfeirnod GridSH7798177899
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Conwy
Hen SirSir Gaernarfon

A rather Gothic mansion, built in 1877 to a design of TM Lockwood. A two-two and a half storey house, stone-walled and roofed in pantiles. On the north-west single storey sevice building are set about a small court. The buildings high gables and steep pitched roofs suggest a Germanic influence.
The house has now been greatly extended, in the same architectural mode, and houses council offices. This extention has linked the house with a range of ancillary buildings to the north-west (NPRN 31328).

Source: CADW Listed Buildings Database (3239)

The OS County series 2nd edition (Caernarvon. IV.12 1900) shows details of the grounds and gardens. These culminate in the romantic heights of Bodlondeb Wood, threaded by a web of pathways. A cluster of glasshouses north-east of the house now houses Butterfly Jungle. Drives lead south-west and south-east from the house, with lodges where they meet the public roads (NPRN 26057; 26053).

John Wiles 24.05.07