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Penllyn Castle, Garden, Penllyn

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Cyfeirnod MapSS97NE
Cyfeirnod GridSS9785076052
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Bro Morgannwg
Hen SirGlamorgan
1. Park & gardens associated with Penllyn Castle (Nprn19651) portrayed on OS County series (1877).
The mansion is set about by a rectilinear array of terracing on the SE & SW, c.100m NNW-SSE by 60m overall, comprising three tiers of terraces.
To the SW lies a rectilinear enclosure complex, c.125m E-W by 100m, centring on a walled garden with associated glasshouses.
The park area rests upon wooded slopes above the Thaw valley on the E, elsewhere defined by plantations & wooded screens, the pasture within having isolated and grouped trees, the area being divided by drives/avenues.
RCAHMW AP955148/66-7
Associated with: Outbuildings (Nprn37639) and Lodge (Nprn19654).
J.Wiles 17.02.04

2. This garden is depicted on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Glamorgan XLI, sheet 14 (1899). Its main elements on that map include parkland, carriage drive, fountain, orchard, parterres, terrace walls, formal garden, sundial, kitchen garden, walled garden, woodland, woodland with vista paths and greenhouse. C.H. Nicholas, RCAHMW, 18th August 2006.