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Coed-y-Twr Motte

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Cyfeirnod MapST08NE
Cyfeirnod GridST0916086470
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Rhondda Cynon Taff
Hen SirGlamorgan
CymunedLlantwit Fardre
Math O SafleTOMEN
The site survives as an amenity in the heart of a housing estate at Tonteg. Overall the mound measures some 50m across, its flat top 21.5m in diameter. The mound 4.2m high above the bottom of the encircling ditch, 3m above surrounding ground. Prior to local developments there was apparently no evidence for a bailey.
The counterscap bank, previously recorded, has all but disappeared on the north-east quadrant having been smoothed down as a result of landscaping the grass border of the traffic island upon which the site lies. A recent footpath accessing the monument has also contributed to this.
Other sources:
OS record card ST08NE6.

D.Leighton, RCAHMW, October 1989