Nid oes gennych resi chwilio datblygedig. Ychwanegwch un trwy glicio ar y botwm '+ Ychwanegu Rhes'

Rickeston Rath, Walwyn's Castle

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Cyfeirnod MapSM80NE
Cyfeirnod GridSM8706009460
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
CymunedWalwyn's Castle
CyfnodYr Oes Haearn
A severely mutilated, ploughed-down , sub-circular, embanked enclosure, 100m by 116m, confined by natural slopes and scarps to the W, N and E. The enclosure is similar in size and shape to Capeston Rath (NPRN 305349), some 170m to the east. Both enclosures overlook the valley of the Sandyhaven stream. A cist burial within a possible Bronze Age barrow (NPRN 423678) lies at the base of the valley and is equidistant from the two enclosures.

(source Os495card; SM80NE2)
RCAHMW AP965024/51
J.Wiles 16.05.02