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Wat's Dyke (Main Entry)

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Cyfeirnod MapSJ35SW
Cyfeirnod GridSJ3262054800
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Wrexham
Hen SirDenbighshire
Math O SafleCLAWDD
CyfnodCanoloesol Cynnar
A boundary bank, with a W facing ditch, running from the river Morda S of Oswestry (noted from the air beyond the S.most point depicted by OS) to Basingwerk on the Dee estuary (Fox 1934).
Associated with Offa's Dyke (Nprn306866) and its possible continuation, the Whitford Dyke (Nprn306868), which run roughly parallel to the W.
A radio-carbon date from Maes-y-Clawdd (S of Oswestry) gives a terminus post quem of AD486+-75 (Mathews 2002).
J.Wiles, 24.10.2002.