1. The cropmark of a concentric, oval ditched enclosure at Cawrence which has an inner circuit measuring c.33-43m and an outer measuring c.84-104m across, and having a south-west facing entrance, articulated between and beyond the circuits by lateral ditches, set on west facing slopes.
J Wiles, RCAHMW, 03.11.03
2. Being plough-levelled, constructional details are visible from aerial photography taken in 1989, for example the provision of gates just inside the main entrance at left, allowing access into the outer enclosure, together with a simple `back door? in the perimeter ditch at upper right. (Text from Driver & Davis 2013, 'Historic Wales from the Air, RCAHMW).
Photographed during aerial reconnaissance.
3. For plot of geophysical survey and description of test pitting at Cawrence see Poucher, P. 2012, Llangoedmore, Cawrence Enclosure, Archaeology in Wales 51, 164-165.
T. Driver, RCAHMW, 2014.
application/pdfDAT - Dyfed Archaeological Trust ReportsDigital report on 'Cawrence Enclosure, Ceredigion: Geophysical Survey 2011'. Compiled by DAT for Cadw. Report No: 2011/44. Project Record No: 102350.