Little Castle Park Mound; Amroth Castle, Possible Site of

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Cyfeirnod MapSN10NE
Cyfeirnod GridSN1640007680
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
1. The sub-circular/D-shaped mound at Amroth Castle measures 32m NW-SE by 27.5m and 1.2m high, resting on steep natural slopes to the north-east. Apparent traces of a ditch on the north-west may be associated with a recent field boundary.
It is set in a field called 'Little Castle Park'.

It is possibly a spoil heap, the site of Castlepark Colliery (shown as disused on OS County series (1889)) lying c.600m to the south, although a sounding taken in 1965 did not show distinctive colliery waste.

(source Os495card; SN10NE3)
RCAHMW AP955117/46
J.Wiles 09.03.04

2. Recorded as a cropmark during Royal Commission aerial reconnaissance during the 2018 drought, on 13th July 2018. The cropmark showed a good signature of a broad D-shaped plough-levelled ditch set against the edge of the steep valley side, being either a prehistoric or a medieval defended enclosure.

T. Driver, RCAHMW, Oct 2019.