Roman Road West of Carmarthen; Via Julia, Broadway Section

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Cyfeirnod MapSN01NE
Cyfeirnod GridSN0702018790
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
Math O SafleFFORDD
Discontinuous cropmarks thought to represent a Roman road, are part of a route west of Carmarthen (Nprn114111), extending about 360m rather south of east-west, including linear features and quarry pits, from SN07171879 to SN06821878. An apparent branch heading south-west probably represents part of a later linear bank (Nprn400415).

Further traces of road:
c.1.6km to the west-south-west (Nprn308891)
c.1.2m to the east-south-east (Nprn309028).

RCAHMW AP945092/46; 965115/47

J.Wiles 18.11.03