Disgrifiad1) The earthwork remains of cultivation ridges are visible on 0.25m lidar and aerial photographs RCAHMW AP965121/62-3 to the east of Bae y Rhigol. The ridges cover an area of approximately 72m x 66m and are aligned NW/SE. They are are both irregular and extremely broad in relation to other relict cultivation ridging on the island, ranging in width from c.1.7m to 7m. The broad and flat 'furrows' vary in width much the same. The date of these features is unknown but it is possible that they are related to sub-rectangular enclosure NPRN: 309529 immediately to the north, also of unknown date.
These features has been digitally mapped and updated from 0.25m Lidar as part of the CHERISH Project.
Record updated as part of the CHERISH Project.
D.Hunt 02/08/2018
? Crown: CHERISH PROJECT 2017. Produced with EU funds through the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme 2014-2020.