Disgrifiad1) The earthworks of a sub-rectangular enclosure of unknown date is visible on 0.25m lidar and aerial photographs RCAHMW AP965121/62-3 at Trwyn y Gorlech. It measures 11.5m x 11m, with the northern side appearing to comprise of the sea-cliff immediately to the north. The function of this feature is unclear, but it is possible that it is related to the cultivation features immediately to the south (NPRN: 309527)
This feature has been digitally mapped and updated from 0.25m Lidar as part of the CHERISH Project.
Record updated as part of the CHERISH Project.
D.Hunt 02/08/2018
? Crown: CHERISH PROJECT 2017. Produced with EU funds through the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme 2014-2020.