Emral Hall, Garden Features, Worthenbury

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Cyfeirnod MapSJ44SW
Cyfeirnod GridSJ4210044233
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Wrexham
Hen SirSir y Fflint
CymunedWillington Worthenbury
A complex of earthwork features on the western side of Emral Brook, within Emral Park (Nprn309712).

Set immediately north-east of the stable court (Nprn309717) & laid out on the same alignment, is an embanked platform/enclosure, about 20m square, possibly subdivided & possibly moated about; similar features extend about 90m to the north-east, as far as what appears to be a wooded declivity, cultivation ridges (Nprn309719) occurring within this further area: parallel to the south-eastern front of these features, fronting both them & the stable court, lies a canal, extending about 210m north-east to south-west & 8.0m wide, the portion before the stable court being depicted on OS County series (Flint. XXII.7 1873), having an entrance gap accessing the avenue: these features overlie the cultivation ridges of a field system (Nprn309719), although their relationship to the 18th century stable court and avenue is uncertain.
Largely disused by 1873, although a line of trees is shown along the western bank of the canal.

Associated with: Emral Hall (Nprn35805).
Part of: Park/gardens (Nprn86647).

Source: RCAHMW AP955021/58-9, 61
J.Wiles 06.01.04

2. This garden is depicted on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Flintshire XXII, sheet 7 (1899). C.H. Nicholas, RCAHMW, 17th August 2006.