Emral Hall, Stable Court

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Cyfeirnod MapSJ44SW
Cyfeirnod GridSJ4204044140
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Wrexham
Hen SirSir y Fflint
CymunedWillington Worthenbury
Math O SafleSTABL
A rectangular court, 46m north-west to south-east by 30m, is flanked on the north-east & south-west by 18th century two storey ranges, each having a central peimented gable: the court is accessed from the Hall (Nprn35805) by a bridge across the Emral Brook, opening onto a broad avenue on the south-east, formerly across a canal (see Nprn86647): a series of rectilinear earthwork features to the north-east (Nprn3097176) share the courts orientation & may belong to the same scheme.
An icehouse(Nprn37329) is set immediately behind the north-eastern range.

RCAHMW AP955022/58-9, 61

J.Wiles 06.01.04