DisgrifiadFeatures immediatly W of the entrance facade of Weobley Castle (Nprn27996): N of the entrance causeway, two possible enclosures/platforms, c.36m E-W by 10-12m overall; facing the causeway an apparent rectanguklar structure, 5.3m NNE-SSW by 3.6m, with a similarly oriented wall running at least 10m to the SSW; possible garden features/ancilliary structures, although some of the features involved may be natural, result from quarrying/lime processing.
Sources: Os495card; SS49SE26;
RCAHMW 2000 Glamorgan III.1b 'the Later Castles', 402.
The arrangement of enclosures S-SE of the castle, portrayed on OS County series (Glamorgan XXII.10 1879), involving the med. barn (Nprn310459) may reflect something of the med. scheme.
RCAHMW AP94-CS 0633-6
RCAHMW AP945084/59-63; 955111/42
J.Wiles 14.05.04