Hobbs Point Slipway and Quay Wall

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Rhif ArchifTeitlLefelDisgrifiadCyfrwngDelweddauRhif Archif2025-01-28_5502TeitlAP2024_502LefelGroupDisgrifiadAerial photographic surveys conducted during the Royal Commission’s programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Drive covering a large number of sites around Pembrokeshire, 4 March 2022.Cyfrwng197 tif files.DelweddaunRhif ArchifAP2024_502_096TeitlAP2024_502_096LefelItemDisgrifiadRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Hobbs Point Slipway, Pembroke Dock taken on 4 March 2022 by Toby Driver ((SM961038)Cyfrwng1.tifDelweddauyRhif ArchifAP2024_502_096TeitlAP2024_502_096LefelItemDisgrifiadRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Hobbs Point Slipway, Pembroke Dock taken on 4 March 2022 by Toby Driver ((SM961038)Cyfrwng1.tifDelweddaunRhif Archif6540628TeitlCLBN_PE - Cadw Listed Buildings 35mm Colour Negative CollectionLefelSub-groupDisgrifiadColour negatives showing buildings in the community of Pembroke Dock, taken by Cadw during their listed building resurvey programme.Cyfrwng1 negative sheet. Photo.Delweddaun