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Nerquis Hall; Nercwys Hall, Nercwys

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Cyfeirnod MapSJ26SW
Cyfeirnod GridSJ2406060020
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Flintshire
Hen SirSir y Fflint
Nerquis Hall is a 17th century (1638) two storey house with gabled attics, with mullioned and transomed windows, from which 19th century (1821) gothic tower wings have been removed (1975), leaving a fine, four-gabled south facade.

Associated with:
Park/gardens (Nprn86593)
Outbuilding (Nprn643)
Bothy (Nprn634)
Coachhouse/Carthouse (Nprn301843)
Piggery (Nprn301856)
Stable (Nprn37396)
J.Wiles 21.11.02

Internal features: L-shaped hall with early 19th century geometric floor; large Gothic fireplace with 4-centred arch and frieze with heraldic shields; one original Jacobean doorcase. NW parlour has a fine interior of c1725-1750; black marble chimney-piece with classical landscape above. SW parlour has a 3-bay geometric plaster ceiling with interlocking squares and octagons enriched with floral sprigs in the Tudor manner; Tudor style fireplace, rebuilt in the 20th century. Plain main stair to first floor c1725-1750. Great chamber above hall in reversed J plan; 18th century raised and fielded panelling; chimney-piece and doors as in NW parlour. Additional Rococo chimney-pieces in the rooms off.

(Source CADW listed buildings description)
J Hill 17.10.2003