DisgrifiadParchmarks betray a 580m stretch of Roman road, running north-east to west-south-west between SH66957362 and 66447334. Part of the route between Caerhun and Caernarfon (NPRN 302976).
The findspot of a Roman milestone lies some 200m to the south. This commemorated the third century emperor Postumus and was subsequently re-used as an early Christian memorial stone.
Sources: Wright 1969 Roman Milestones in Wales, No.9; A.H.A. Hogg in Caernarvonshire Historical Society Transactions 22 (1961), 6-8.
First recorded in the course of aerial reconnaissance, 25th July 2006.
The road crosses the mountains west of the Conwy at Bwlch-y-Ddeufan, some 5.5km to the east-south-east.
Next section known to west (3.5km distant) = NPRN 405340.
An linear feature, at Madryn, about 1.0km to the north-east, may represent a further road segment.
John Wiles 14/11/2006