Stable Cottage, Former Outbuilding of Muriau

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Cyfeirnod MapSH43NE
Cyfeirnod GridSH4921437858
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Gwynedd
Hen SirSir Gaernarfon
Math O SafleSTABL
Formerly an outbuilding of Muriau (NPRN 406140), thought to be early nineteenth century and depicted on 1st edition OS County series (Caernarvon. XXXIV.13 1889). Now converted as a dwelling. Condition described in 1980.
A one and a half storey stone walled range with a slate gabled roof. A single storey cross wing is attached on the south-west.
The modern name suggests that this was originally a stable block, this would agree with the identification of the range to the south-west (NPRN 31403) as a coach house.
A slighly built extention at the rear, a garage in 1980, is depicted in 1889 with a horse whim adjoining.

Associated with: Cartshed/barn (NPRN 31403)
Old house (NPRN 16575)
Byre (NPRN 31404)

Source: NMR Site File

John Wiles 14.05.07